Taxi fares in Sydney vary depending on the type of taxi service used. All taxis measure the fare based on a combination of distance travelled and time taken to reach the destination. Fares are charged from the point of pick up, with additional fees for late-night or peak-hour trips. Whenever you take a taxi ride in sydney it’s important to double-check your fare before setting off as some drivers may try to overcharge customers who are unfamiliar with sydney’s pricing structures. It is also wise to ask about additional fees such as late-night or peak hour surcharges as these can significantly increase overall fares. Another or best alternative is to give a call @0478-620-131 for your Sydney taxi ride either on fixed fare or meter based. We are ready to assist you.
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Calculate Taxi Fare Sydney
As Taxi fares in Sydney vary depending on the journey and the time of day. The base flagfall rate is $3.75 with an additional charge of $1.90 for every kilometer traveled. There is also a surcharge of 20% on public holidays, or after 8:00 pm weekdays, and all day Saturdays and Sundays. Plus, tolls are on top. Booking fees may also apply when booking trips over the phone or online. For longer trips, fares are calculated based on the estimated travel time as well as distance traveled.
Sydney Taxi Fare Calculator
Passengers can check their rough taxi fare for Sydney ride by using the taxi calculator available at TaxiFare. Alternatively, they can ask us. Our Affordable Taxis are widely available in Sydney, so you can easily find one to get from point A to point B in no time!
ASK to us for Sydney Taxi Fare, don’t totally dependent on Sydney Taxi Fare Calculator
Are you looking for the right information about your Sydney taxi fares of your Sydney Ride? As you know that Our Taxis in Sydney are a convenient and affordable way to get around the city and beyond. Our Sydney Taxi Rates are genuine, you ask to our taxi operator about your fare or ride distance. And get an instant ride.
Door to Door Service
We provide door-to-door taxi service in Sydney and throughout the Sydney Metropolitan Area.
Reliable & Availability
We are available 24/7 across Sydney. At anytime or anywhere, you can book a taxi from us.
Trusted Network
We build a good trust to our clients since last 10 years.
Payment Modes
You can pay your cab fare through Credit cards, Debit cards, Cash & CabCharge Vouchers.
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Pay with cash, card or on account